Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Update on June Budgeting Goals

Hey Everyone! Sorry I have been MIA for the last few days, but we went on a weekend trip to visit family. It was a nice weekend, and I am glad that we did it (although the drive I could do without).

This are the goals that my family and I had for the month of June, and how we did this month on keeping up with our budget. You can find our goals (extended version) here.
  1. Get caught up on all bills. Didn't accomplish much of this goal, we had several unexpected expenses. First of all this weekend trip, paying on a loan that isn't due until the end of July, and miscommunication with the amount in my husbands paycheck.
  2. Find a way to increase our monthly income. Accomplished. My husband started working a second job (approximately 8 hours on the weekend, this will bring in a little extra money). I have also been trying to find some people looking for in-home childcare (I believe I have one lined up for the fall), and I have also looked into the Haverhill Institute of Home Staging in order to generate a little extra income.
  3. Post EVERYDAY regarding our spending, and my current thoughts on how we are doing. While I posted a new post often, it was not everyday. I realized after several days of trying to keep up, this goal is not always feasible. But, it is definitely my goal to try to blog daily.
  4. Add a new category to our budget, "Baby #2", so we have enough time to prepare for his/her arrival in November. Accomplished. Although, the amount is unrealistic for us right now, we are working on ways to increase the amount that we can save for Baby #2 each month.
  5. Make a list of things we will need for a new baby, and get an estimate of the cost to accurately create a line item on the budget. Accomplished. You can find more information on this goal here.
  6. Start making a weekly donation to our church. Create a new line item in our budget, making sure that giving is a top priority. Not complete, no excuse really, other than we have not been to church in several weeks due to scheduling conflicts, but it is something that we will strive to do.
My husband and I are still thinking about July's goals, but hopefully July will be a more successful month. We can only hope. Haha.

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