Monday, May 17, 2010

Who Needs Alexa?

I'll admit.

For a while I was basically blogging to lower my Alexa ranking.

It was such a high to check it each and every day to see my numbers go down.

I wanted to earn an income off my blog.  Who wouldn't?  Doing something you love to do, and getting paid for it.  BONUS!

But, I have realized that I don't want to blog for numbers...or even an extra income.

I want to blog for myself.  For my family.

I blog because I want to perserve the memories we create each and every day.

I want my children to be able to look back and remember, in great detail, the day we spent together.

For the past week or so I have been blogging more from my heart, rather than something that will get me clicks (which lower your Alexa ranking)....and I love it.

I love being able to get my feelings out on "paper", and having other strong women (and maybe some men) read along with my journey through life.

My life as a stay at home mom.

So, I just want to take this opportunity to apologize to each and everyone of you.

It has been heavy on my heart, I feel as if I have been using you.

And for that, I am deeply sorry.

From now on I will blog for myself and my family.


  1. Great post. I think it's important to figure out your purpose for blogging.

  2. Love it. Always means so much more when its from the heart. My first contest is happening right now, and the instructions on how to "network" yourself are so tedious! I think this will be first AND last contest. More relaxing to blog whenever/whatever I want and not worry about impressing anyone other than me ;)

  3. If you can do it for both though, even better. If you love the blogging, and do it with meaning and purpose, then don't feel guilty over making money from it ;)


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