Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Things Your Mama Never Told You.....

I have been married for nearly 3 years now, and while it isn't an extraordinary amount of time, I have learned a lot. Some through trial and error, and others from other wives and television shows. Food Network is my friend.

So, there is my Part 1 list of things my mother never told me. I hope it will help you, and I hope that you will add more to my list. Please make this a conversation, I would LOVE to hear your bullet points. :)

  • When using a non-stick pan, use a wooden spoon or a plastic spatula.
  • Allow meat to temper before placing them in a hot pan. (Not ice cold.)
  • Everything tastes better with a little EVOO (extra virgin olive oil, thanks Rachael Ray!)
  • Soak your dishes in hot water and dish soap, it makes cleaning 10x easier. You know, if you are like me and don't do the dishes right away.
  • When slicing potatoes, slice a strip off the long way to make a flat surface. It makes cutting the potato a million time easier.
  • Cast iron might be a pain to clean (since it is not dishwasher safe), but it is so worth the investment.
  • Do not cook pancakes or eggs in a anything other than a non-stick pan. My husband learned the hard way.
  • You will be amazed, happy, full of love, annoyed, anger, upset, and overjoyed each and every day you spend as a parent.
So, there is Part 1....what are yours?

Don't forget to enter my giveaway! You only have until Sunday. :)


  1. 1. you will NOT wake up every day and look at your "true love" and feel warm and giggly...some days you'll want to clobber him and run away. THATS OKAY
    2. You will be amazed at how much you can love AND hate teen agers all at the same time.
    3. You will inevitably say some of the things your parents said to you and you "SWORE" you'd never say!
    4. You will have days when you are totally content with life and then you will have days when you are restless and crabby. IT"S OKAY!
    5. You need to write down your dreams...because all too often life gets crazy and you may forget ...heck there are days I'm lucky to remember my own name :)
    6. Fruits and vegetables spoil.....babies do NOT.
    7. No one got to the end of their life and said "Darn it...I wish I'd spent LESS time loving my family and holding them near!"

  2. I love your list, and agree with each and every one of them! :)


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