Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 14


That's all I have to say.

The day started off earlier than normal, which never makes me happy. Then Ady and I went off to visit Grandma and the ladies at work. After that, Ady and I went to meet her cousins (three crazy boys, lol).

Then the saddest part of the baby girl had to get her two month shots. :( Sweet little thing was such a trooper, but it tears me up.

After all that we came home to get the house ready for company. It was great to have people over, and I love to entertain...but, it really throws my day off. Lol. I'd rather spend my days playing with babies rather than scrubbing the kitchen floor. ;o)

So, I am sitting here....writing 11:36 pm, the first time I have sat down since 8:30 am this morning. I am tired, going to bed.

No exercise, no water, not so great food. Sigh, tomorrow is another day.


  1. Jennifer, I love the way you catalog and narrate the routines we all belong to. For all the chores and to-dos, you have a very good focus and you care about your family very much. The trick is to give yourself as much time and care-I noticed the hours in your day.

    For me, it seems 7:30 comes around and I am not much good after that. When I'm in the kitchen or doing housework I light a big candle in the window and the flame reminds me to be mindful of myself and to stay present-I hate house work.

    May your writing blossom into something profitable enough so when your little ones get bigger you can have the flexibility to spend more time with them.

    Sending you love and joy,
    Adriana Hill

  2. Jennifer, I love the way you catalog and narrate the routines we all belong to. For all the chores and to-dos, you have a very good focus and you care about your family very much. The trick is to give yourself as much time and care-I noticed the hours in your day.

    For me, it seems 7:30 comes around and I am not much good after that. When I'm in the kitchen or doing housework I light a big candle in the window and the flame reminds me to be mindful of myself and to stay present-I hate house work.

    May your writing blossom into something profitable enough so when your little ones get bigger you can have the flexibility to spend more time with them.

    Sending you love and joy,
    Adriana Hill


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