Zach and I were just expecting a farm with a bunch of pumpkins, but it is quite the spectacle. I was definitely surprised, and it will be a great fall thing to do once the little ones are older.
They had carnival type rides, bouncy toys, petting zoo, etc. I am sure Jackson and Madelyn will love it in two or so years ;o)
We took Grandma with us, and tried to get Grandpa and Timmy but they are "party poopers". Haha.
I am officially thirty six and a half weeks, and so ready to be done with this pregnancy. I can't wait to meet our daughter! I am so not as organized with my (or baby's) stuff as I was last time, but I don't have as much free time to spend refolding all the baby clothes, etc. Haha. But, I have to get on top of it....if I follow the same time table as I did with Jackson I will go into labor on Sunday. So, we are getting close!
Jackson is almost packed for the hospital...and I have collected most of the things that I need. But, I haven't gotten around to putting it into the bag. I have been told that I can not deliver this week anyway because both my Dad and Grandma are going to be in the hospital.
My Mom wants the stress in her life to be at a minimum =) I can't promise her anything, I wouldn't mind being in labor. However, I try to completely forget what labor is actually like....but, it is not working and it's kind of freaking me out. Lol. I have two fears....(1) having to have a c-section (because I wouldn't be able to pick up Jack for a while) and (2) being away from Jackson for two-ish days. I have only been away from him for about 12 hours at the most (and that was only once) 48 hours is going to kill me. Ah well, I choose not to think about it too much.
Hope you are having a great fall! I am certainly enjoying the weather (well, when it isn't raining).
Anyway, back to pumpkins. Zach and my Dad had a great time trying to create my pumpkin designs ;o) We made Jackson's with three teethers, just like him! Oh, and Jack's pumpkin weighs slightly more than him...coming in at 30 lbs! And Ady's is her name because we don't know what she looks like yet. They turned out great, and I can't wait to take pictures of little Jack in his Halloween costume......he is going to be a dinosaur.
Your new banner is adorable!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you guys had fun at the pumpkin patch¤t=jackson.jpg&newest=1
ReplyDeleteBlue varient with red letters
Hi, it's a very great blog.
ReplyDeleteI could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
Keep doing!