Monday, December 31, 2012

2013 Goals

2012 has been a great year for us. We have been blessed beyond our wildest dreams, and are anxious to see what 2013 holds. :)

As the new year begins, most people make resolutions or goals in order to make the most of the upcoming year; I am no different.

One thing I can promise you won't be on my goal list is, wait anxiously for the arrival of little Kimye. Seriously...over it. And it was only announced a few days ago.


My goals are:

1) Spend quality time, individually, with each of my children. Take them on "dates", and make memories. :)
2) Go on more dates with my hubby. I seriously think we only went out twice in 2012. Sad. :(
3) Accomplish 2 no spend months. We have one planned for January, and the next will probably be in July.
4) Stick to our 2013 budget, even more closely than I have in previous years.
5) Purchase at least 50% of our Christmas gifts using Amazon gift cards acquired from Swagbucks (click the icon to the right for more info and to sign up!).
6) Spend money on no more than 100 days for the entire year. Fixed expenses not included.
7) Continue to support my husband to achieve any and all goals he has personally, financially, and career-wise.
8) Keep my blog up to date, and help like-minded people by sharing some tricks I have learned over the years (primarily financially speaking).
9) Try not to cry on Jack and Ady's first day of school in the fall.
10) Take more pictures, and keep images organized on our computer.

Well, those are my goals for 2013. What are yours? Do you have financial goals? Is there anything I can do to help you achieve them?

Happy New Year and many blessings to you and your family!

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