Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 29: Dream Dinner

The question for today is "who would you invite to a dinner party, dead or alive".

1.  My husband, Zach.
2.  My son, Jack.
3.  My daughter, Ady.
4.  My Great - Grandpa Hansen.
5.  My Great - Grandpa Baird.
6.  My Great - Grandma Baird.
7.  My Grandpa Duane.
8.  My parents (they are a couple, so they are one person, lol).
9.  JFK (he is fascinating!)
10.  My Grandma Connie.

Most of these people, I didn't get to spend enough with or didn't meet at all.  I would love for my kids and husband to get an opportunity to meet all these people.

Does  anyone else find it strange I only have one famous person on this list....I guess I truly am a family oriented person.  :)

Anyway, I would serve.....steak, baked potatoes, sweet potato fries, corn on the cob, and chocolate cake for dessert.  Man, that sounds delicious.

Who would you invite to a dinner party?

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