Monday, November 15, 2010

Re-living the Past

2 years ago today:
  • ....I felt more fear than I have ever felt in my life.
  • ....I was in pain.
  • ....I feel in love with this itty-bitty little man.
  • ....I met my son for the first time.
  • ....I stayed up all night, after being in labor for 12+ hours, just staring at his little face.
  • ....I threw an apple at my husband who was passed out on the hide-away bed because I needed help changing a dirty diaper.


  1. Aww, very sweet!! Happy Birthday to your little guy! And....hahaha...for throwing the apple at your husband! When I had our first, my husband got so pale, he had to sit down in the recliner and the nurse asked if he was alright?! Who would've thought he'd go on to witness seven more!

  2. Happy Birthday Jackson! Here's to many, many more!


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